
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pseudonyms, Part 1: a Game!

This week, I present a game:

Below are 8 real names of famous musicians. The first person who posts their correct pseudonyms in the comments will win an undisclosed prize! Additionally, contestants need to compose their entries without reference to the internet, and include a statement to that effect in their response. People who use the internet will forfeit their prize.

Here are the real names:
  • Reginald Kenneth Dwight
  • Norma Deloris Egstrom 
  • Declan Patrick MacManus
  • Alecia Beth Moore
  • David Robert Jones
  • Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr.
  • Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner
  • Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta
Good night and good luck with your pseudonymometry. There will be a follow-up post... 


  1. I know that the last one is Lady Gaga, but that's all I've got. No references to the internet were used.

  2. Off the top of my head, I know 4:

    Declan Patrick MacManus = Elvis Costello
    David Robert Jones = David Bowie
    Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner = Sting
    Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta = Lady Gaga
